Project Introduction

The Kingfisher project is proposed as a utility-scale solution for enhancing the reliability of the local electrical grid. The project will store power from the grid when there is an excess and release it when there is a shortage, ensuring a stable power supply for households, businesses, and critical infrastructure in King County.

Energy storage is a required component of Washington’s clean energy transition, supporting communities by delivering reliable power during periods of low production from intermittent renewable sources. The project also addresses general reliability issues, reducing the increasing risk of blackouts, brownouts, and power supply inadequacy events facing the region during periods of peak demand.

Development of the Goldeneye Energy Storage project is being led by Tenaska, an industry leader in developing safe, reliable assets for supporting local energy needs, on behalf of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

Project Status

The proposed site for the Kingfisher Energy Storage project is located near the existing Berrydale Substation, allowing close access to the transmission system. This site will allow the facility to provide maximum support and value for the electric grid, while minimizing the overall project footprint. The facility will be operationally quiet, does not generate radiation or emissions, and will have no traffic impact when operating.

The project is not currently in active permitting. Once permitting has been initiated, the process will include a comprehensive review of the project and multiple opportunities for public comment and engagement.

Project Location

Our BESS projects utilize state-of-the-art battery technology, supplied by an experienced manufacturer, that has demonstrated the equipment meets or exceeds all applicable safety codes and standards. We work with independent BESS safety experts on every aspect of the battery system to ensure it meets the latest industry standards, and all safety and technical requirements will be certified by an Independent Engineering firm, which will be necessary for financing parties and insurers.

There are more than 20,000 BESS facilities operating safely across the United States. The industry has learned from rare, yet well-publicized, malfunctions at older BESS facilities. Advancements in siting, technology, operations and maintenance – combined with updated standards – make BESS a safe energy solution. Our team is committed to working with local emergency management to ensure first responders are equipped with appropriate training and resources to respond to safety incidents, however rare.

Project Overview

Grid Resiliency

The Kingfisher Energy Storage project will provide a new source of firm, dispatchable power for King County, strengthening existing electrical infrastructure and improving the resiliency and reliability of the local electrical grid. The Pacific Northwest region is increasingly at risk for blackouts, brownouts, and power supply inadequacy events due to population growth, extreme weather events, the proliferation of electric vehicles, and other factors.

Clean Energy Transition

The Kingfisher Energy Storage project will play a key role in supporting the community’s increasing use of intermittent renewable sources of power as Washington continues its clean energy transition. BESS projects are designed to store excess energy during periods of peak generation so it can be discharged to the grid during periods of peak demand.


Safety is the top priority in the design, construction and operation of battery energy storage systems. The Goldeneye Energy Storage project will be built with lithium iron phosphate (LFP) chemistry and other technological advancements that offer the highest standards in utility-scale BESS safety and reliability. Local first responders help oversee the process for ensuring appropriate safety plan and procedures, training, and equipment.

Low Impact Development

BESS facilities are operationally quiet and do not generate any air emissions or harmful radiation. The Goldeneye project requires a small physical footprint with little increase in traffic during construction and no increase once the facility is operational. The project will be built with a low elevation profile and will incorporate appropriate fencing and landscaping to match the aesthetics of the local community.

Jobs and Investment

The project will create jobs for the local workforce and economic development for King County. This includes local community expenditures, tax revenues, and sourcing of equipment, construction materials and labor. The project has committed to using union labor for construction, ensuring that jobs stay close to home and wages are spent locally.

Stakeholder Engagement

The project team is committed to engaging with local stakeholders throughout the process. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please utilize our contact form below and a member of the team will get back to you.


Project Materials*

Frequently Asked Questions (updated 5.30.2023)

*Additional project materials will be added as the development process moves forward

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